Sunday, August 28, 2011

Finally, The End.

I never thought, in my wildest dreams, that I would find myself feeling this way.  I love gardening and everything that goes with it, but not today.

Let me back up a little and explain just what I am talking about.  You see, my husband has been working some incredulous hours over the last two months.  We started our vegetable garden together, but with his hours being stretched out, it seemed that I got stuck 'holding the bag', so to speak.  After a long summer garden, we began to prepare for our fall garden.  Several weekends have passed where we have planned to go out and grab some fall plants but each weekend he has received a phone call in the wee hours of the morning calling him out to work.  Needless to say, few plants have been placed in the ground.
Yesterday, my sister and I decided to go hunting some plants ourselves while he was at work.  The one greenhouse that I could count on for plants had nothing, absolutely nothing!  What surprised me the most about this was how I found myself feeling, and even more so what I was saying in my mind..."Thank you Jesus!"    "This is it!  Finally, the end!"

This surprised me.  I had really counted on the fall garden, but not today.  I'm tired.  I guess with days getting shorter and the coolness in the air, I am ready for a change of things.  Of course, I still have a few flowers from seed that I am searching for a place to plant, but considering what I started with, this is really not much left to do.
Of course...I have to show that I gave 100% to the search, so there is a weekend flea market that we can usually find a lot of anything you are looking for so I believe that I will hit that up this weekend.  No plants?  No problem!  It will still give me the opportunity to spend some time with my sister do some shopping for other items LOL. ©