At the beginning of each month I will be showcasing a photo gallery displaying the original photo and the subsequent editions that have been done. There will be a linky tool available for anyone who would like to join in the fun. The event will begin here the first day of each month and continue until the last day of the month. I believe that there are a lot of creative photographers out there and I for one, would love to see your work.
February is the month of 'red', so I chose that color to work with in this month's Changing What's Real event.
The original photo is just a plain flower taken in mid-summer at full bloom.
I experimented with the Posterize in this edit. I set it at 29 Colors, 92% detail, and 28% fade. I addd a black border with 56 thickness and an inner white border at 54 thickness.
In this particular edit, I used the Adjustable Threshold with the advanced mode of 'screen' and Focal Zoom set at 58% focal size, 50% edge hardness, and 0% fade. I then added a Mirrored Frame with a creme tint, 118% thickness, 75% polish, and a 20% shadow.
This image was edited with the 1960's edit choosing the rounded corners option and a 20% fade.
Again, utilizing just one edit, HDR-ish, I set it at 20% radium, 200% strength, and 0% fade. I outlined it with a Museum Matte frame with a 25 outer thickness in black and a 40 inner thickness in white.
In my last image, I used the Space Texture with the Advanced Overlay Mode at a 20% fade. It is framed with a Reflection Frame. I wanted to accentuate the black in the photo, so I used a black 10 outer thickness with a white 5 thickness inner border. The frame itself is set to 0% blur and 60% fade.
I look forward to seeing this month's entry, especially with Valentine's Day on the horizon ☺